Encoding and Hiding Data within an Image and Conversion of Numbers

Encoding and Hiding Data within an Image and Conversion of Numbers


  • Ms. Gloriya Mathew KTU
  • Josmy Joseph


hURL, steghide, conversions


This paper describes about encoding and hide
the encoded data within an image. Kali Linux hURL
tool is used for encoding the data. hURL is a tool can be
used for encode and decode. It is a kali Linux web
application tool. The hURL is used for hexadecimal
conversions and URL encoding and decoding. In
security applications various encoding methods are
used such as URL encoding, HTML encoding etc. For
encoding Kali Linus provides a tool hURL. The steghide
tool is used for hiding the encoded data within an



How to Cite

Ms. Gloriya Mathew, & Josmy Joseph. (2022). Encoding and Hiding Data within an Image and Conversion of Numbers. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1). Retrieved from https://ajcejournal.in/nceca/article/view/93

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