Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using ML

Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using ML


  • Ms. Grace Joseph ktu
  • Nimisha Siby


The sentimental analysis of tweets is described in
this work. We can listen to our customers and discover what
they need by using Twitter sentiment analysis. We can
automatically organise unstructured data in real time, at
scale, and accurately by incorporating sentiment analysis
technologies into our workflows. The automated technique of
assessing text data and sorting it into sentim is known as
sentiment analysis.
Monkey Learn is a sentiment analysis machine learning tool
that is simple to use. Request a demo, and you'll get access to
a number of pre-trained sentiment models that will let you do
a more in-depth analysis of Twitter data. The use of Twitter
sentiment analysis opens up a slew of new possibilities. The
ability to monitor tweets in real time and assess the emotions
behind each message adds a new dimension to the process.


Author Biography

Nimisha Siby





How to Cite

Ms. Grace Joseph, & Nimisha Siby. (2022). Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using ML. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1). Retrieved from