Authentication by Encrypted Negative Password

Authentication by Encrypted Negative Password


  • Rony Tom ktu
  • Jobin Thomas Alummoottil


Authentication, Plain password, Cryptographic hash function, Encrypted negative password, Symmetric key algorithm.


This paper is about securing the passwords and making
devices more secured from intruders. Most of systems today makes
use of the technique in which the passwords are simply encrypted
and aren't secured properly. This encrypted negative password
system uses the technique in which inside the passwords are first
hashed and then converted to negative password
and eventually encrypted and stored within the database. But
the processor and storage sources are getting increasingly
more considerable, hashed passwords can't face up
to precomputation assaults, which
includes rainbow desk attack and lookup desk attack. This
Encrypted Negative Password device still can resist the
precomputation attacks. For that reason, by way of securing the
pages with negative password machine, these types
of vulnerabilities may be decreased.


Author Biography

Jobin Thomas Alummoottil





How to Cite

Rony Tom, & Jobin Thomas Alummoottil. (2022). Authentication by Encrypted Negative Password. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1). Retrieved from