Vulnerability Testing on Rooted Android Phones Using Msf Venom Payloads

Vulnerability Testing on Rooted Android Phones Using Msf Venom Payloads


  • Dr. Bijimol T K ktu
  • Sabin Thomas KTU


Kali Linux, Vulnerability Testing, Rooted Android Phones, Msf Venom Payloads


The Metasploit Framework has included the
useful tools MSF payload and MSF encode for quite some time.
These are the tools which is used to generate payloads in various
formats. This paper introduces a new tool which I have been
working on for the past week, MSF venom. This tool combines
all the capability of MSF payload and MSF encode in a single
tool. Combining those gear right into a single tool just made
sense. It standardizes command line options, speeds things up a
bit higher by using a single framework instance, handles all
possible output formats, and brings some balance to payload
generation. MSF venom replaced both MSF payload and MSF
encode as of June 8th, 2015. Testing vulnerability on rooted
device and to check deeper inside the kernel to be able to access
or modify those files. Such devices can be easily broken. Even a
simple script can cause the attacker to extract data from
victim’s phone to any other external servers which can accessed
by the attacker. Even such rooted device can make the remote
attacker to gain root access or full access. So that he can use that
device for his/her own will. So, this topic is focused on testing on
rooted phones security concerns. Here this paper also uses
ngrok for making the framework workable over wan.


Author Biography

Sabin Thomas, KTU





How to Cite

Dr. Bijimol T K, & Sabin Thomas. (2022). Vulnerability Testing on Rooted Android Phones Using Msf Venom Payloads. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1). Retrieved from