FERNET : Symmetric Key Encryption for Password Security

FERNET : Symmetric Key Encryption for Password Security


  • Meera Rose Mathew ktu
  • Reshma S Ramesh KTU


fernet, fernet token, key, generate_key(), encrypt_data()


Fernet is a symmetric key encryption crypto
graphical method that is mainly used for password
encryption and decryption. It secure the password more
safely. But the main problem faces by many users that is
about hacking. This paper gives awareness about how to
secure our details by using fernet algorithm. Thus we can
make Fernet more powerful and we can take more security
steps to prevent it from hackers and intruders.


Author Biographies

Meera Rose Mathew, ktu



Reshma S Ramesh, KTU





How to Cite

Meera Rose Mathew, & Reshma S Ramesh. (2022). FERNET : Symmetric Key Encryption for Password Security. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1). Retrieved from https://ajcejournal.in/nceca/article/view/52