Mobile Edge Computing

Mobile Edge Computing


  • Anu V. Jacob ktu



Mobile edge computing, RAN, Cloud Computing, Cloud, IoT


Latest generation mobile networks aim to use
multi-tier heterogeneous cellular networks integrated with
cloud computing to provide users with low latency and energyaware service. However, for high bandwidth and low latency
services, edge/fog computing comes into the scenario. In
edge/fog computing, the intermediate devices between end users
and cloud participate in processing and storage of data as well
as execution of applications. Mobile edge computing provides
cloud computing services at the edge of mobile network, which
facilitates the developers, service providers as well as the users.
Internet of Things (IoT) has become a principal component to
design smart technological solutions for our daily life. For low
latency and high bandwidth services, edge computing assisted
IoT has become the pillar for the development of smart home,
smart health etc. This chapter will discuss the overview of
mobile edge computing along with its real time applications




How to Cite

Anu V. Jacob. (2022). Mobile Edge Computing. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 3(1).