Cloud Computing in Agricultural Zone

Cloud Computing in Agricultural Zone


  • Dr. Juby Mathew ktu
  • Sulu George



Cloud Computing, Structure, IaaS, Paas, SaaS


Cloud computing is acommunity-focused environment that relies on sharing informations, storage, provider,programs&differentvitalcomputingsources.Inmodern-day generation of cloud computing era very helpful for
centralized the all-agricultural related statisticsfinancialinstitution (Soil&associated, weather, research,Crop, Farmers, Agriculture advertising and marketing, fertilizers and pesticide statistics) inside the cloud.
Lots of cloud computing companies have emerged up and there
is a large boom within the usage of thisprovider.. Google, Microsoft, IBM and Amazon have began imparting cloud computing services. The future development of agriculture depends how the new technologies consisting of cloud computing are followed with a focal point on farmer wishes. The
useofthistechnologiesshould helpa farmer interms of accessibility. Latest technological development has through a drastic
change ineveryfieldandagriculture isno otherpracticesto it.
Cloud computing generation impacted sincerely onagricultureareaandrelatedservicestheyofferforcustomers.on
this paper, also talk Computing model, characteristics, deployment model, cloud agro model, cloudadvantages andassignment of cloud computing in agriculture field



How to Cite

Dr. Juby Mathew, & Sulu George. (2023). Cloud Computing in Agricultural Zone. National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications, 4(1).

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